Legal Classification of Magic

As far as all the legal codes and Laws of the Sovereign are concerned, there are only three types of magic:

  • Magic of Light
  • Magic of Shades
  • Magic of Darkness

Magic of Light and Darkness

Magic of Light, nicknamed “White Magic” or “Acts,” involves magic that is done in accordance with the Laws of the Light. For the sake of simplicity, the Acts are usually said to be committed with a sense of goodwill and protection. However, the Magic of Darkness or “Dark Acts” are aligned with the ways of the malevolent.

At first, the Laws of the Light classified everything that didn’t fall under the “Acts” as Dark Acts. But after the War of the Wardens, there came a new magical system that was aligned to the Dark Acts but used in good faith. Such acts were termed “shadow magic” and bordered between good and evil.

Shadow Magic

“When a man faces the Light, there will always be a shadow.”

The Shadow Mages, as they are referred to in the Otherworldly Realm, believe in the neutral and factual approach of magic. They tend to operate in the gray area and do not take sides such as “good” or “evil”. They exist because they are, not because they want to push any religious agendas or social cause.

The Gray Order of the Knightshades belong to the category of Shadow Magicians.